Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Betrothal: Finding a match

 Marriage is one of the many ways that Jesus tells about salvation. We have to look at the traditions of a Jewish betrothal Genesis 24 to really understand the message. 

Shiddukhin- Jewish marriages were mostly arranged by the father of the groom during Jesus time,  Shiddukhin is the first step before the betrothal, where a father finds a match for his son.  One of the biggest criteria that a father would look for is the character and faith of the person he is trying to find for his son.

Shadkhan-  Is a marriage broker/matchmaker.
 A father would send someone in his place to find a bride for his son.  The Shadkhan goes to tell the prospective bride to be that the father he is representing would like to make a match for his son and also give an offer to the family.
This is one way to look at evangelism.  The Shadkhan is chosen based on there character,  a father wouldn't pick someone of questionable character with such an important task.  All of  us who believe are called to be a match maker for Jesus!

a quick list of some things we can take away from Genesis 24:1-14 how Abraham's servant went to find someone for Issac.  (The name of Abraham's servant is Eliezer according to Jewish tradition Genesis 15:2.)

  • He was there to offer what the bride would receive.(v. 8)
  • He went to where he knew he could find people. (v. 10-11)
  • Prayed to God for success and for his masters success (v. 12)
It's good to know that God will take anyone who will believe in Jesus!

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