Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mission Statement

"There's more feasting in the bible than fasting"
Everybody has a memory tied to food,  Everybody has a favorite food,  Family gatherings, Birthdays,  wedding,  funerals food is at the center of every celebration of life.  In the bible I see many feasts and Jesus sitting down at the table with his disciples and with sinners,  and I hope and pray that I will encounter, and show Jesus love with the people I work with and those whom I am serving.  My vision and what I will be working towards is to start a restaurant.  I want to start a business that is the mission

One of my motivations for wanting to start a restaurant is to reach out and offer opportunities to people who are coming out of vulnerable situations like;  
  • people coming out of trafficking 
  • people coming out of rehabilitation 
  • at risk youth.
    Photo @ Mujeres Nuevo Comienzo

    I also have an idea of how I want to use the profits from this restaurant would like to go to;
  • 50% to go toward the restaurant and other ministry
  • 40% to go to locally run ministries and to local missionaries 
  • 10% to donate
I am also looking to explore partnering with ministries that are working with these groups to find ways to generate jobs opportunities for the people they are ministering to.

Expanding the Cafe

Pepperoni and mushroom pizza

Very proud of the oven spring on this one.  Made it with a pan and toaster oven

Food Truck

I want a food truck or mobile kitchen for;
I also want to expand to a restaurant.
  • How to help

  • Prayer

  • Do you know anyone who would like to donate a; School bus, food truck or food trailer?
  • Send donations to YWAM Central Baja, memo as Restaurant

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